Dream Spot Kalpitiya, Sri Lanka: When I replied to the wind “Yes, I do”
My name is Kim. I would call myself quite a traveller but what I experienced in the Dream Spot in Kalpitiya, Sri
Lanka in 2019 was out of comparison with any other travels I‘ve made so far.
All the travelling souls out there would probably correspond with the thought that you discover
new, inspiring places with great people and you leave a piece of your heart there and take heart- and
mind-enriching memories with you, which let you grow. That is travelling: To explore new places,
make new friends and to leave it all behind but also to take somehow the beautiful spirit of the place
within lasting memories. I took one of the most beautiful memories from Margarita Village and
MKS and this is why I asked Ruben and Eusebi to share it via their blog. So get a little insight of
my kitesurfing journey with MKS:
Going there in February I was a non kiter, non skater, no snowboard experience human being. The
only thing I brought with me to Margarita Kite School was the iron will that I wanted to try
something new. I wanted to have new perspective, so I considered to see things from the ocean,
with that great feeling of velocity and steady wind in your back. Oh yes, I wanted this so much. But
it was little bit of a way to get there. Since I am very much into safety when it comes to extreme
sport, my vision did correspond pretty much with the great coaching of MKS. My kite instructors
were Mirella and Eusebi who gave enough time to feel secure with powerful kite, who gave
motivation when I felt like I just swallowed the whole Kalpitiya Lagoon and who were patient with
me when I was yelling at the kite like hell. All beginning is hard they say. And I got smashed to
water hardly. True story. And this is why returned for five weeks in summer, to spend them at
beautiful little hide away and enchanted place in the north of Sri Lanka. I was not interested in
travelling. I wanted to finish what I started here, so I spent five weeks living at Margarita Village
and living up the kitesurfing life. During these five weeks, I experienced one the most beautiful
moments with the lovely and cherishing people around, that peaceful pace of that place and that
relation to nature what the place offers you. All damn good memories. But there was one precious
moment, I’ve entered a committent and which I want to share with you:
10 am after a great breakfast at Margarita Village. After that rich breakfast I felt that I could barely
swim not to mention kiting, but in comparison to other kite schools, MKS organizes every single
day their truck, bringing the guests and the equipment down to the beach. I’ve met in the past weeks
two very nice Norwegian girls and Dori, currently living in Bali at Margarita Village, who came for
the same reason like me: Kiting, kinting, kiting. It felt good to have some friends around, where you
can enjoy a cold with drink with after a long day of kiting.
About to enter the truck my instructor told me: “Today we will kite at Dream Spot”- And we girls
couldn’t be happier. Girls kite trip to Dream Spot. Spacious water, colourful kites and us. Just us.
Yes you got that right! When I reached the spot for the first time, I was like: “I don’t see where we
are going to kite. Where is that spot. I cannot spot other kites.” And they said: “Just here, Kim.”
Dream Spot is lovely kitesurfing spot, 25 minutes by boat from Kalpitiya Lagoon and seriously
normally I don’t use these words, but it is the shit. Other kite schools barely go there and if so, you
still feel like king of the world water. It is such a big spot, with a white sandy bank, some palm
trees, sublime nature and breaking waves on the other side. On the side where we kite, you have flat
shallowed and so, so, so much space for yourself. Not to be scoffed at the amazing wind. Some days
in the Lagoon it can happen that the wind drops a little out of a sudden. So your kitelines seem like
overcooked Spaghetti for a little moment. Not at Dream Spot man. This wind is devine! Such a
sweet, encouraging partner always in your back and STEADY.
Me as a beginner back then I felt the board was fused to my feet. No more loosing my board, no
more body dragging, just really nice kiting and leaning back in the harness because I finally found
my committent with the wind. I finally found my trust within this invisible element because I
started to feel it and to foresee within its blowing force with body. My body language said: Yes, I
do and it made click. That was a little magic for me. Out of a sudden kiting was no more
exhausting to me, it was relaxing because I said yes to wind. I said yes to a strong and invisible
element and I felt the great power of this great merger within my body and the wind. Once you
experienced this feeling; you had this little click moment, you it is impossible to forget for a
lifetime. Entering the water from now on with your kite feels very different. It feels exciting and no
more hectic because you know, you are not alone out there. The wind got you. Always reliable in
your back.
At 4 pm the boat took us back to a refreshing shower and rest in the hammocks with the waving
palm trees over your head. I was more then happy at this moment. I had little tears of joys in my
years, mixed with the salted water because I knew not in ten lifetimes I will ever get out of this
commitment between me and the wind, I’ve done during at that moment at Dream Spot. Because I
left Dream Spot as a kiter.