The best kitesurfing destinations for digital nomads


 Back in the day, a nomad was someone who didn’t have a fixed residence and used to move from one place to another. The rise of technology has given birth to a new type of nomads known as ‘digital nomads.’ But what’s exactly a digital nomad? It is a person who follows the nomadic life while earning their livelihood through remote work.

Internet is very important for digital nomads, and whenever they think of a potential tourist or vacation destination, that’s an important metric to consider… And since digital nomads get to enjoy so many different places, it also allows them to pursue their hobbies and even different sports.
One such hobby which is pretty popular among the digital nomads is kitesurfing. In this sport, a person uses a large kite to move around on the water with the help of wind. To put it short, kitesurfing includes elements from different sports such as skateboarding, surfing, paragliding, and so on.
And we are sure you would have figured it out already that wind is very important for kitesurfing… Without wind, you can not kitesurf on the water, which is actually good for the digital nomads! As a digital nomad, you can get a lot of things done while waiting for the wind, such as doing your remote work or even other fun activities!
So if you are a digital nomad and kitesurfing is your thing, or you want to start kitesurfing, we have compiled a list of the best kitesurfing destinations for you!

But first, before we delve into the best destinations for digital nomads globally, let’s see what a kitesurfing destination for nomads should offer and what should you look for before choosing a destination

How to choose a kitesurfing digital destination


 Apart from a good mix of excellent wind and unbeatable kitesurfing conditions, you have to take into account other important factors when looking for a good kitesurf destination for your next nomadic kitesurfing adventure.

There are very special places for digital nomads all over the globe, from high-tech megacities to medieval villages and laid-back beach resorts. However, they all must meet a series of characteristics in common. The first of them, which is essential, is a good Internet connection, with a speed that allows us to work on what we have proposed.

It is also very important that there are places suitable for the development of the activity, such as shared workspaces, cafes with free Wi-Fi or places that offer the possibility of organizing events and social gatherings through networks.

Thirdly, it is essential that the destination offers visa facilities: some countries allow you to travel through their territory for several months without applying for one.

The cost of living is also important: look for cities with affordable accommodation and supermarkets, cheap (or free) Internet, accessible workspaces and cheap public transport.

And finally, accommodation: if you intend to stay in a place for a long time, you will have to opt for cities with a wide range of rental apartments and other types of affordable stays. Digital nomad networks help a lot in this regard.

Most places to settle fall into one of five categories: tech metropolises, emerging capitals, secondary cities, backpacker spots, or resorts. Of all this, there is in this list, a kind of guide for those kitesurfers who want to start changing their work and life model.

Working online (remote work) allows a digital nomad to go around the world without worrying about earning a livelihood through traditional means. In other words, it means a lot of free time to enjoy your favorite hobbies and extreme sports such as kitesurfing!

Without wasting any time, let’s look at the top kitesurfing destinations for digital nomads and even those who love to kitesurf:


The top 8 kitesurfing locations for digital nomads

1. Obidos (Portugal)

Óbidos lagoon is a tranquil spot, offering a serene and peaceful environment to connect with nature, not to mention the perfect location to learn and progress in kitesurfing. Flat water, thermal wind, right next to miles and miles of beautiful ocean coastline with world-class waves, it really is a playground for all kite levels. Around the lagoon are holiday rentals such as studios, rooms, or entire homes – rather than guesthouses or hotels – giving any digital nomad the opportunity to feel like you’re in a home away from home.

If you are a digital nomad and interested in work & kite in Obidos, we recommend you to contact our friends from Kitesurf Soul. Kitesurf Soul is a kite school based at Óbidos Lagoon, run by João Virgilio, a Portuguese local. Being a small business, they offer a personal and friendly vibe to all customers, and tips to anyone interested in kitesurfing at their home spot

best kitesurfing destinations for digital nomads

 2. El Gouna (Egypt)

Being one of the top kitesurfing destinations in Egypt, El Gouna is also probably one of the best places for digital nomads in the world. A good Internet connection everywhere, unbeatable access to supermarkets and restaurants, and optimal security make El Gouna an excellent setting for digital nomads. If you are going to be glued to the computer all day, better do it in a dream kitesurfing destination like this one.

Tharek, from Kiteboardingways, is your best option if you want to work remotely from El Gouna. Whether from one of the cruises he organizes or at its kitesurf centre, you will find the inspiration you need for your work. Not to mention the unbeatable kitesurfing conditions of the spot! Really, El Gouna is the paradise of kitesurfing in Egypt.

kitesurfing spots for digital nomads

 3. Kalpitiya (Sri Lanka)

The best time to visit us in Kalpitiya is from May to September, which means you can escape the scorching heat by being close to the beach and in a windy place! In Kalpitiya, the wind speed is around 20-30 knots and remains pretty consistent, which makes it a great place for kitesurfing.
For beginners in kitesurfing, Kalpitiya is also a great place.

A few years ago, the Sri Lankan government decided to invest in a good and extensive Internet network throughout the island. You will find a good internet connection even from the jungle! From our kitesurf center we offer you the best conditions so that you can work remotely



4. Bahia Salinas (Costa Rica)

Located on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, Bahía Salinas is another excellent destination for nomads who love nature and strong wind. Although it is true that here you won´t find the same facilities as in other nomadic kite destinations, don´t worry, because the wind and a good internet connection are guaranteed.

If you work all day in front of your laptop and want to relax with some kite sessions after work in the middle of nature, then Bahía Salinas is your perfect nomadic destination. Furthermore, if you are up to learning Spanish, here you won the lottery!

kitesurfing and digital nomads

5. Tarifa (Spain)

Located in the Cádiz provide of Andalusia, this is one of the best locations for digital nomads who want to kitesurf. In fact, Tarifa is considered to be the most popular destination when it comes to any form of wind sports, including kitesurfing.
Being a digital nomad, you would also expect good infrastructure as well from a potential destination, and Tarifa doesn’t disappoint. The nearby towns of Tarifa are equipped with good infrastructure and offer everything you would need as a digital nomad. To top it all off, Tarifa (Spain) is among the windiest places in the world, which makes it a great place for kitesurfing.
You can expect good and strong winds in Tarifa all year round, which means you can go anytime you want. But if you want a more immersive experience with less to no crowd, the best time to visit Tarifa is from April – to June and from Sep – to Nov. During these times, you get less crowded beaches and great weather.

 6. Cape Town (South Africa)

Its been years since Cape Town (South Africa) has become the go-to place for digital nomads, but you would be surprised to know that Cape Town is also a top destination for those who engage in kitesurfing.
And the best part about Cape Town is that strong winds only start to blow during the afternoon, giving you enough time to finish your work during the morning. And let’s not forget that you can enjoy the amazing scenery while doing your work as well, which is an additional benefit.
For digital nomad life and for kite surfing, you can’t go wrong with Cape Town! While we are talking about kite surfing, here’s a word of advice, though… Winds can get really strong, which gives rise to big waves (which can be more than 4 meters high) – So, if you are a beginner, then it might not be a good idea to delve into kitesurfing. For beginner kitesurfers, the best location is in the Langebaan, which features a great lagoon.
From November till the end of March is the best duration for visiting Cape Town (South Africa). This will allow you to escape the winters, enjoy kite surfing, and pursue the digital lifestyle!


kite nomads
 7. Maui (Hawaii)

Did you know that the first kitesurfing competition was held in Maui in 1996? Yep, that’s the place that gave mainstream attention to kitesurfing sports and is still among the top places frequented by kitesurfers and digital nomads.
With its consistent winds, warm temperatures, and great living conditions, you can’t go wrong with Maui (Hawaii). To give you an idea, Maui features a wide coastline with more than 50 KM of beaches alone. But I personally think that the best part about this place is that the kitesurfing sites are separated from other wind sports to ensure that no clashing happens.


8. Playa Copal (Costa Rica)

In the Central American region, the best place for wind sports is most definitely the Playa Copal of Costa Rica. When compared to other locations, this place is still not that popular among the tourists, which is a great thing for those who love kitesurfing without all the crowd! Besides the kitesurfing, you can also enjoy its great beaches while pursuing the digital nomad life, and to top it all off, you can expect great internet (Wi-Fi) as well despite it being a remote location!
You can visit Playa Copal all year around since this area remains windy, but the best time is from November to April. If you want to escape the winters of Europe and pursue extreme sports instead, you can’t go wrong with Playa Copal!

In a nutshell..

In some destinations for digital nomads, you will find a lot of social life and nightlife and in other destinations, you will find a lot of peace and quiet. But all of them offer excellent conditions to work remotely and enjoy kitesurfing at the same time.

 We hope our list of the best kitesurfing destinations for digital nomads will help you find your next remote work destination. If you are a digital nomad and want to enjoy the best kitesurfing in Sri Lanka, you are invited to our kitesurf centre