Amazing Vella island - Kalpitiya
Vella island, a top world-class kite spot

Vella island, the best kite trip in Kalpitiya!
Discover Vella Island with Margarita kite school!

* Leaving time from Kalpitiya lagoon, Need to be ready at 9:00 AM.
* Downwind from mini vella to Vella: 30 minutes approx
* Lunch in our kitesurfing hut in Vella Island. Comming back to Kalpitiya around 16pm
Kite trips winter season
* Leaving time from Kalpitiya around 11 PM.
* Downwind from Vella Island to Margarita hideaway (1h approx)
* Downwind from Margarita hideaway to Navy Point (1 h approx)
* Lunch in secret island
* Comming back to Kalpitiya around 17 pm
* Kite guide
* Lunch & soft drinks
* Safety boat
* Photo session (under request)
Price: 40 eur /person
Why Vella Island is the best kite spot in Sri Lanka?
Well, when you get in a lucky day around 20 knots in Kalpitiya, in Vella there are perfectly 25 -30 knots. Vella island is also a long flat water island similar to a swimming pool with very steady wind. There is 0 choppi and it is always windy!! Yet it is an uncrowded kite spot and even when there are around 50 kites in the water yet there is plenty of space for everybody!
When is the best time to go kitesurfing to Vella Island?
Summer season is the best time to go kiting to Vella island. In summer time you can get the best wind and the perfect conditions. Strong and steady wind from morning to eve!
Can I go Vella in winter season?
Yes, however it may not be so spectacular as summer season because the conditions are not the same. The wind comes late and very light comparing in summer season (around 14-18 knots). At this time of the year, there is only a small area of flat water and the rest is choppi. However, Vella is the perfect starting point for a downwind to Kalpitiya thought all the coastline of Wilpattu national park. The views are the best!
What is the most suitable kite equipment I should bring to Vella?
In summer season you should bring kites from 7 to 10 meters and in winter season from 12 to 14 meters
Can I seep in vella?
There are not hotels or resorts in the island, just fishermen huts. Margarita kite school organise overnight stays in Vella with possibility to kite from morning to down
On this island the wind is very constant and the conditions for freestyle are perfect. Vella Island is the best kite spot in Sri Lanka and probably the best in the world. You can’t go to Sri Lanka for kitesurfing and not visit Vella island.
However, Vella is not a good place for those who are learning as the wind is off-shore. You can get to and from the Vella Island in one day and the main kitesurfing schools and resorts charge around 45-50 dollars per person.
Among the most famous kite trips you can make from Kalpitiya, the trip to Vella island is the most exciting. When the wind blows very strong on one side of the island, it turns the other side of the island into a magnificent kite spot with very nice water. This is where many of the current world kite champions come to train. In Vella island there is also wind almost all year round, although it’s better to go to Vella in summer than in winter, because in winter the wind comes in too late to have to travel so far. (In Vella Island there are no hotels or infrastructure, only small fisherman’s hats)