kalpitiya - Sri Lanka

Mannar kitesurfing

Adam´s bridge, another hideaway  kite spot in Mannar

At the end of the peninsula of Mannar there is a huge deserted spot  with many km of flat water called Adam´s Bridge

Where Mannar is located?

Mannar is the next peninsula north from Kalpitiya. At the end of the peninsula of Mannar, there is a fishing Village called Talaimannar and the main kitesurfing spot in Mannar is called Adam´s bridge.

From Negombo airport to Talaimannar town it takes around  6 hours journey with a private vehicle.

Is it worthy travelling up to Mannar for kitesurfing?

Mannar has wind statistics very similar to those of Kalpitiya. Also, Mannar is probably one of the most beautiful and natural places in Sri Lanka and probably one of the best spots for birdwatching However, in Mannar, contrary to what happens in Kalpitiya, there is no tourist infrastructure and the kitesurfing area is yet a quite inhospitable natural area.

The main kite point in Mannar is called Adams Bridge and it is a tongue of small islets that reach all the way to India. Formerly this tongue was connecting India and Sri Lanka. Mannar is already becoming a well-known kite destination although there is no tourist infrastructure like in Kalpitiya, so on windy days it is like being in the middle of nowhere. If you are a real adventurous kiter it is worthy moving all the way up to Mannar for kitesurfing but if you are this kind of people who prefer more social life and facilities maybe will be hard for you.