Kappalady lagoon, “like Kalpitiya lagoon but smaller”

Kappalady lagoon is another kite gem in Sri Lanka! Actually, both Kappalady lagoon and Kalpitiya lagoon are unbeatable when it comes to learn kitesurfing! 

Kappalady lagoon location!

Kappalady lagoon is located in Kappalady town, around 20 km south from Kalpitiya. The village of Kappalady is yet very rural and traditional and the main economy is fishing. 

If you come from Negombo airport or Colombo capital, this village is located before Kalpitiya. From the main road you should turn left in Kappalady junction. 

Kappalady lagoon is surrounded of many coconut trees states and many Papayas and bananas plantations. You can imagine how beautiful it is!

kappalady lagoon map location

Kitesurfing conditions in Kappalady lagoon


Just like in Kalpitiya, there are many kite schools in this lagoon; however this is much smaller than the kalpitiya lagoon. In this lagoon you only kite in the summer months because in winter the wind does not enter easily. In the summer months, the wind comes in quite strong as in Kalpitiya, 18 to 25 knots on average

Kappalady is about a 30 minute drive from Kalpitiya and in the summer season it’s one of the most famous places to learn to kite in Sri Lanka after Kalpitiya.

 In this lagoon you can also learn kitesurfing easily thanks to the shallow and flat waters, although when there are many kites in the water there is not enough room for everyone.  The best time to kite in Kappalady is from 12 to 15h, when most kiters are at their resorts having lunch. In winter season though , Kappalady is not the best destination for kitesurfing as there is no wind this lagoon during the winter months



Kite trips from May to Oct

* Leaving time from Kalpitiya lagoon,  Need to be ready at 9:00 AM

*Whole morning kitesurfing in Kappalady lagoon and lunch on the beach

* Afternoon downwind from Kappalady lagoon  to Donkey Point: 45 minutes approx

* Downwind from Donkey Point to Kalpitiya lagoon: 30 min approx



* Kite guide

* Lunch & soft drinks

* Photo session (under request)

Price: 30 eur /person