kalpitiya - Sri Lanka

Kalpitiya lagoon

Kalpitiya lagoon! The spot to learn kite in Sri Lanka

You will not find spots such as Kalpitiya lagoon: a mixture of good wind, flat water and tropical  weather

Where Kalpitiya lagoon is located?

The lagoon of Kalpitiya is located in Kalpitiya town, about 250 Km noth from the capital of Colombo. There is a channel that separates India and Sri Lanka and this corredor is always windy! Kalpitiya lagoon is located in a very strategic location for kitesurfing!
The main kite spot in Kalpitiya is the Kalpitiya lagoon, where the wind blows 9 months a year, and therefore it’ s the main spot to learn kitesurfing in Sri Lanka. During winter months, from December to March, the wind blows from the northeast, entering the lagoon very cleanly. The average wind speed is about 14 to 20 knots and during this time you need large kites, about 12 to 14 meters. On the other hand, during the summer months, the wind is stronger, an average of 18 to 25 knots and 10-meter kites are usually used, though there are days when the wind can reach 30 knots and you will need smaller kites. At Kalpitiya lagoon it is relatively easy to learn kitesurfing compared to other spots. The wind is side-shore and the water is very shallow at many spots in the lagoon.

Kalpitiya is where the majority of kite schools in Sri Lanka are located. Kalpitiya is a very quiet place with a unique charm. It’ s worth coming to Kalpitiya to learn kitesurfing in a quick and safe way.